Can I use your pellet on my pellet grill / pellet smoker?
The short answer is “Yes”. Our pellets burn better than “BBQ” or “Cooking” pellets and they are much less expensive than pellets labeled for strictly cooking purposes!
Our pellets meet all the generally accepted requirements (100% virgin hardwoods, all-natural, only food-grade additives) that most people think of when they consider using a pellet to cook with. We know people who have been using Greene Team pellets for cooking purposes for years with no issues. From what the seasoned pellet grillers tell us, they have not found much value in the “flavored” wood pellets. When “they” say something like “Hickory Pellets”, in reality, that means it is probably half hickory or less. It’s difficult to taste any difference in the food cooked with “flavored” wood pellets compare to regular pellets. If you are smoking meat, you might have an easier time to tell the difference; but for the majority of dishes cooked on a pellet grill, you won’t be able to tell the difference between regular pellets and “flavored” pellets. Add to this the fact “flavored” wood pellets are typically very expensive compared to regular pellets; usually in the area of 3 or 4 times more expensive on a “per pound” basis.
The lubricant we use is food-grade Soy Bean Oil. The pellets are made from 100% virgin hardwoods. The hardwoods we use are a blend of the common ones, such as Red Oak, White Oak, Maple, Hickory, Locust, etc. All our wood comes from virgin materials, meaning not construction debris. There are no added binders, they stick together and get the shiny look from the natural binder, lignin oil that is naturally present in wood. At this time, the FDA (or any other government agency) has not made any determination about the safety of cooking with wood pellets. In short, we have no “official” government approval to advertise our product for cooking purposes, therefore we don’t brand or advertise our pellets as “cooking” pellets, but many people do use them with no issues because it meets all the criteria for a good cooking pellet.
Do you sell directly to the public?
Yes, but only on certain days, and we do not offer shipping. Must pick up at the plant. Pricing and the days of sale can be found on our Factory Direct Sales Page.
What is the difference between “Greene Gold” and “Greene Team Platinum”?
We have 2 different style bags, all of which contain the same exact high-quality product, made with the same raw materials, with the same process, at the same plant.
1) GREENE TEAM PLATINUM - A light-grey colored bag. Sold at Lowe's stores exclusively.
2) GREENE GOLD - A gold bag. Sold to Independent Retailers, and Tractor Supply, Menards, and Rural King
Check out our Our Products Page for more information and photos
Can you recycle the 40 lb. plastic bags?
Short answer - probably, but not in your residential pick-ups.
Long answer - You will need to find a recycling depository that will accept them.
This website may help with that:
Our bags are a type 4 plastic, low-density polyethylene (LDPE). They are recyclable,
however, some recycling centers do not accept used pellet bags, because of the
static-cling sawdust to the inside of the bag. Some recycling centers may find it
worth it to clean the static-cling sawdust from the inside of the bag and recycle them.
Most major home improvement and grocery stores in the US collect #4 plastic bags. Bins are usually located in front of the store that accept both thin film grocery bags as well as wood pellet packaging.
This film is then converted into other consumer products, thus continuing the upcycling stream.
What kinds of woods do you use in your pellets?
The pellets are made from 100% hardwoods. The hardwoods we use are a blend of the common ones in our area of the world, such as Red Oak, White Oak, Maple, Hickory, Locust, etc. We receive sawdust and wood chips from a variety of sawmills so the number of species of wood that are in the pellets could be a lot at any given time.
Can I use your pellets for Horse Bedding or Animal Bedding?
Regarding the use of our pellet for Horse Bedding, our pellets may have a small percentage of Walnut sawdust in it, which some horses have an allergy to. You should consult your veterinarian.
As for other animals, we have heard of our pellets being used for absorbing animal waste and have not heard of any issues regarding that use. However, we have not tested the safety of using our pellets with any animals. You should consult your veterinarian. We make no guarantee of the safety of our product for this use.
Wood pellets are not for human or animal consumption.
Can I recycle the plastic bags?
Our bags are a type 4 plastic, low-density polyethylene. They are recyclable, however, some recycling centers do not accept used pellet bags, because of the static-cling sawdust to the inside of the bag. Some recycling centers may find it worth it to clean the static-cling sawdust from the inside of the bag and recycle them.
If you find a recycling center that accepts them in your area please let us know so that we can notify others. If you aren’t able to find a place that will them, the bags can be reused in a different way. They can be used as a garbage bag. They fit into medium-sized kitchen garbage bags fairly easily, and save the money and wastefulness of buying garbage bags. Here is an interesting webpage with some other ideas of ways to use the bags: https://www.woodpellets.com/blog/2014/04/30/how-to-repurpose-empty-wood-pellet-bags/
Can I put the ash from the pellets into my garden?
Ash from hardwood pellets is fine to put in your garden. You might want to read this short article first to see if and how much you may want to put in there: http://www.ehow.com/info_8073552_fireplace-ashes-good-vegetable-garden.html
It depends on how sophisticated you want to get with it, but there is no risk of putting too much into your garden other than lowering the pH of the soil too much, the consequences of which would probably be just a lower crop yield. Overall, it's probably a good thing for your garden and better than throwing in the trash.
Can I use your pellets on my mushroom farm?
If you did, you wouldn’t be the first mushroom farmer to use our pellets, but to be honest, we don’t know much about it. See our “What kinds of woods do you use in your pellets?” FAQ for more info. If you are asking this question, you likely know a lot more about mushroom farming than we do.
Are you hiring? Can I fill out an employment application?
Every employment relationship at Greene Team Pellet Fuel Company starts with filling out an employment application. If you have not filled one out already, that would be the first step. Stop down to our facility during normal business hours to fill out an application. If you have already filled one out, you will be considered if and when a position becomes available. Beyond that, we prefer to discuss most employment matters in person.